
Tired of managing your bonus hunt events manually? Let GambleBuddy do it for you! My bot automates everything for you, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience.

What Does GambleBuddy Do?

  • Automated Calculations: No need to calculate anymore. GambleBuddy Bot handles all the calculations for you.
  • Event Management: The bot takes care of your bonus hunt events from start to finish.
  • Results Posting: Once the event is over, GambleBuddy will posts the results in your Discord server channel.

Why Choose GambleBuddy?

  • Efficiency: Save time and effort by automating your bonus hunt management.
  • Accuracy: Enjoy precise calculations and reliable results every time.
  • Convenience: Focus on the fun parts of bonus hunting while GambleBuddy Bot handles the rest.

How GambleBuddy Works

When you start a bonus hunt, you decide how long people can make predictions. Participants can make their predictions in the channel where you start the hunt. Each person can only predict once. Once the prediction time is up, no more predictions can be made, but you can still manually add predictions before ending the hunt. When you finish the bonus hunt, you enter the final amount. Then, a graph shows all predictions ranked from closest to furthest from the final amount. This helps see who made the most accurate prediction. This system makes it clear and fair for everyone participating in the bonus hunt.

Invite the GambleBuddy bot

You can invite this bot on my main website. (Just click on the invite button)

All commands explained

To allow your moderators to use the commands, make sure the OWNER rule is enabled for the role your moderators have.

/showactivebonushunts (Show active bonus hunts started by you)

/start_bonushunt (Start a bonus hunt)

/close_bonushunt (Close the predictions for your bonus hunt earlier than set when started the bonus hunt, so you dont have to wait to end your bonus hunt or if people are no longer allowed to leave predictions for your bonus hunt because you mistakenly set the timer too long when started a bonus hunt.)

/addpredictions (Add predictions to an bonus hunt where predictions are closed, format to add extra predictions: username: amount username: amount username: amount | and so on... Also if a name has spaces in it you need to replace the space with a underscore, so Jan Broekhuis needs to be Jan_Broekhuis.)

/end_bonushunt (End a bonus hunt So that you get the results. After this command, your bonus hunt is permanently ended and you can't do anything with it anymore.)

/help (Show available commands and their descriptions)

/developer (Information about the developer of this bot KreqHex.)

Changelog (last 3 updates)


  • Fixed that final results are posted in multiple messages if the limit of discord characters is reached
  • Changed the /help information


  • Fixed started and closed embeds
  • Added ephemeral messages
  • Added a new command (/close_bonushunt)
  • Fixed some bugs


  • Fixed that final results are posted in text and not in embed (because discord only allows 25 rules on a embed)
  • Fixed that you only can add predictions if you use the good format
  • Fixed some bugs