
Would you like to receive donations in Gift Cards? Invite the CardDonator bot now!

CardDonator Feautures:

  • Claiming Donations: Manage and mark donations as claimed.
  • Reporting Users: Report users for sending an invalid gift card code.
  • Choose any gift cards you want: You can choose which gift cards you want to accept.
  • Automated Donations: The bot automates all the steps to complete a donation with a gift card.
  • Data is not saved: CardDonator does not save any gift card codes anywhere!

Why Choose CardDonator?

  • Friendly: The bot is super easy to use and to set up. It automates the complete process of accepting donations.

How CardDonator Works

When you invite the bot, you need to set it up in your server first using the /setup command. You'll need to enter the channel ID of the channel where you want all donations to come in. Make sure to make this channel private and grant access only to the right people. Next, you need to set which gift cards you want to accept. You can set this using the following example: steam, xbox, amazon, paysafecard. After this setup, the bot is ready, and donations can begin! When someone executes /donate, they will receive a choice menu with the gift cards you've set. Once they make a choice, the donation process starts, and that person receives a private message. The bot will then ask for the code, its value, and whether the person wants to include a personal message. Subsequently, all information will be sent in a neatly formatted embed to the designated channel. After claiming, you can mark the donation as "claimed". If the code doesn't work, first contact the donor to confirm it wasn't a mistake. If it turns out the person intentionally sent an invalid code, you can report them using the report user button under the embed. If a user receives 3 reports, they will be banned from the CardDonator bot and won't be able to donate through the bot anywhere else. This helps all servers using this bot :) Do you want to accept new gift cards? just use the /setup command again!

Invite the Bot

You can invite this bot on my website.

All Commands Explained

Only the server owner can use the /setup command. (read the "How CardDonator Works" section for specfic information)

    /setup: (Set up the CardDonator bot in your server.)

    /donate: (Start a donation process.)

    /help: (Displays all available commands and their descriptions.)

    /developer: (Information about the developer of this bot KreqHex).

Changelog (Last 3 Updates)


  • Official release of CardDonator